Our Offer


After shipping your equipment from Germany, we receive material through costumes in Cairo. However, we recommend renting the material in Egypt – this is cheaper – and the uncertainty about promised staff (planned arrival time) and customs delays will decrease.


They let us pick up their entire crew at the airport.
The excellent preparation reduces the check-in process from normally over 1 hour to less than 10 minutes.
This means that your excellent staff can sleep early even if they arrive late at night – and have a good chance of getting an early start.


The possible locations were offered and discussed long before, selected and finally reserved. They are prepared and ready. All documents with the officials are done.

Actors, doubles, statists and compares

The same applies to actors, doubles, comparisons.
They’re ready, quiet, go.
Of course Mr. Braun, the German director knows them from the past – if only through the pictures and sample films we sent to his office by e-mail.

For these employees we offer 3 categories:

A: very decent, motivated and perfectly trained people. This is the more expensive level.

B: quite well-educated people. Moderate prices …

C: the cheaper level: people from the street


The musicians are selected according to scene, instruments and level of play, required acting skills, etc.

Material and equipment

We offer the most competitive state-of-the-art equipment at the most competitive prices. 

It is usually cheaper to rent the materials locally – the uncertainty of customs and shipping is eliminated.

However, if you decide that Egypt is not the only place where recordings are made, you will probably bring your own cameras and films.

Ask for the list of materials available for rental.

Preparation – first steps

The very first step for us was to get the script from Mr. Braun …The Egyptian officials only give their lottery ticket after they have studied the script – but we take care of it.


Egyptian officials will refuse if you have sexually explicit scenes in your script or if your script conflicts with the local political or religious way of life.